Stardew Valley: Best and Profitable Flowers For Every Season

Do you want to start a profitable Bee House business in Stardew Valley? Read this complete guide first, as you’ll need to know the best and most profitable flowers per season!

The player in a field of Fairy Rose in Stardew Valley (the best flower so far).
Tip: Mind the tiles when placing either bloom or Bee House. As always, the Artisan Equipment will pick the closest flower in range.

Customization is a significant deal in Stardew Valley as it wins every player’s heart. When there’s more freedom (other than plain fruits and vegetables), creativity also comes out. How about we add attractive flowers in front of your thriving homestead?

Don’t forget that the game has different types of flowering plants (except for foraged goods). Which ones are best for raw profit and flavored honey? This list will discuss them per season and all the nitty-gritty to keep the process sustainable.

Flowers: The Forgotten Beauty of Stardew Valley

Players naturally select the best crops to plant in a farming business, seasonal or all-time. Different opportunities made profiting possible as Greenhouse and Island Farm were added later. Since flowers don’t sell that much, they’re often the least priority.

Others keep the hustle 24/7, but that requires massive work at first. But assuming you have a working Bee House farm, here are the best flowers you’ll need for maximum profit.

Blue Jazz (Spring)

The player admiring the beautiful Blue Jazz in Stardew Valley.
They’re even beautiful when raining!

Blue Jazz is a beautiful sphere of flower that blooms the most in Spring. Its seeds are available from Pierre’s General Store (the cheapest option), and it grows for seven days. Unfortunately, Blue Jazz has the lowest selling value among other flowers, but it’s still better than Tulip.

QualitySelling PricesWith Tiller

Doubling this flower’s amount is doable. Plus, you’ll only need one if it’s on your Bee House farm’s range. You can get between 200g to 280 depending on whether you have the Artisan profession.

Poppy (Summer)

The player admiring the Poppy in Stardew Valley.
Poppy’s red tint is showing along the warm, sunny day.

Although most Pelican Town villagers (except Penny) hate Poppy, it’s one the best flowers on your homestead. It surpasses the Summer Spangle and Sunflower’s selling potential, making it a superior choice.

These flower seeds are available from Pierre’s General Store in default. But if it’s Wednesday and you’re in the process of completing Community Center bundles, you may opt for JojaMart or the Traveling Cart. Both two costs more than Pierre’s, but the decision is yours.

After seven days in the soil, you can start selling Poppy for the most generous prices below:

QualitySelling PricesWith Tiller

The potential is even higher for Poppy Honey, costing 380g to 532g. However, you’ll only get the most profit if you have the Artisan profession.

Fairy Rose (Fall)

The player admiring the Fairy Rose in Stardew Valley.
Fairy Rose – the best flower in the game. It makes the best type of honey!

In Autumn, Fairy Rose is the most prominent flowering plant on every farmer’s homestead. Its color complements the dead leaves blown by a wind gust – defining the season even further.

Fairy Rose takes 12 days to grow with its seeds available from Pierre’s General Store. It’s where we recommend buying them for the most affordable cost! You may add some Speed-Gro fertilizers or use Agriculturist to speed up its growth.

Regardless, here are the selling prices of the best and most profitable flower in Stardew Valley:

QualitySelling PricesWith Tiller

You can generate 680g to 952g every four days with a single Fairy Rose and tons of Bee Houses. Grab the Artisan profession if you want the most profit!

Here’s a full comparison with every existing flower in Stardew Valley. We’ll mark our top three and arrange them based on value:

FlowerSeason AvailableBasic Price RangeHoney
Fairy RoseFall290g – 580g680g – 925g
PoppySummer140g – 308g380g – 532g
Summer SpangleSummer90g – 198g280g – 392g
SunflowerSummer and Fall80g – 160g260g – 364g
Blue JazzSpring50g – 100g200g – 280g
TulipSpring30g – 66g160g – 224g

Note that Daffodil, Sweet Pea, and Crocus are foraged flowers but don’t benefit Bee Houses, although you can cultivate them from Wild Seeds.

Going Beyond Flowers and Honey

There are more than mere Sunflower Honey or the most valuable Fairy Rose Honey. Placing the Artisan Good inside a Keg will make Mead, and like Wines, you can age them at a Cask! However, we recommend avoiding using the best honey types as they’re already good.

On base quality, Mead costs range from 200g to 560g, depending on the quality and profession. 

Profits aside, the three items are potential gifts to establish a better friendship with Pelican Town villagers. They’re multi-use, so it’s still a win-win.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is Honey a good money maker Stardew?

If it’s Wild Honey, the answer is no. Remember: crafting a Bee House costs hefty resources (Iron Bar (1), Wood (40), Maple Syrup (1), and Coal (8)). Even if you received the Artisan Equipment by completing the Fall Crops bundle from Pantry, 50g every four days would never be enough. 

Thankfully, we have some of the most efficient moneymakers up top.

What should I do with Honey Stardew Valley?

Sell them to get rich! But if you have a dilemma with Wild Honey, consider crafting them into a Warp Totem: Farm alongside Fiber (20) and Hardwood (1). The item teleports you to the Farmhouse upon use.

Can you leave flowers in Stardew?

We always recommend leaving flowers on a Bee House farm until the season ends. But don’t forget Scarecrows to save your crops from pesky crows and use one type of flower on its radius for maximum profitability.

Will flowers die if you don’t water them Stardew?

No. Feel free not to water your Fairy Rose farm but don’t expect them to grow. You’re halting the growth and money-making processes, so please mind when upgrading your Watering Can – preferably during Winter.

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Meet the author

Stardew Valley is perhaps the most chill game out there. If you're a new player and hoping to join Pelican Town, we've got your back with all the basics.

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