Pantry (Reward: Greenhouse)

spring crops bundle

Items needed: 1x Parsnip, 1x Green Bean, 1x Cauliflower, 1x Potato
Reward: 20x Speed Grow

summer crops bundle

Items needed: 1x Tomato, 1x Hot Pepper, 1x Blueberry, 1x Melon
Reward: 1x Quality Sprinkler

fall crops bundle

Items needed: 1x Corn, 1x Eggplant, 1x Pumpkin, 1x Yam
Reward: 1x Bee House

quality crops bundle

Items needed: 5x parsnip, 5x melon, 5x pumpkin, 5x corn
Reward: 1x Preserves Jar

animal bundle

Items needed: 1x Large Milk, 1x Large Egg (brown), 1x Large Egg (white), 1x Large Goat Milk, 1x Wool, 1x Duck Egg
Reward: 1x Cheese Press

artisan bundle

Items needed: 1x Truffle Oil, 1x Cloth, 1x Goat Cheese, 1x Cheese, 1x Honey, 1x Jelly, 1x Apple, 1x Apricot, 1x Orange, 1x Peach, 1x Pomegranate, 1x Cherry
Reward: 1x Keg

Meet the author

My name is Darren Grantham and I am the founder of I have always been passionate about video games. When Stardew Valley came out, I was super excited and couldn’t wait to dive in! I quickly realized I wanted to run a fansite for Stardew Valley and here we are! I’ve had this site for a little over a year now and it is still tons of fun! My wife Sarah is now making videos to add even more fun to this project! 😊

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