LOOK: Stardew Valley Switch Update for 2021

There are a lot of new updates and adds to the game. Just about a month ago, the Switch update for Stardew Valley patch 1.5 rolled out with a bunch of new features.

Below, we’re gonna discuss a lot of the game’s new addition. There are a lot of things to cover. But first, we’re gonna talk about the apparent update glitch that some players are experiencing. Don’t worry, we’re gonna go over the important parts of the updates later on.

The new update has the same features as the ones released on consoles, both PS4 and Xbox One.

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Stardew Valley Switch Update Glitch

If you ever tried to visit Ginger Island, you might experience some kind of glitch, especially if you’re playing on Switch. This also happens on Switch multiplayer, which can frustrate your gameplay.

It’s recommended to wait for further updates, but it seems like PS4 and XBone had their fix already. Keep in mind that in order to play the game nicely, you should have some backup saves.

You can also check out this sick multiplayer guide for Stardew Valley.

Switch Update Log

The new 1.5 update adds a lot of things to the game. New areas, lines, events and minigames, puzzles, quest lines, and a lot of NPC tasks.

Patch 1.5 also adds the Ginger Island into the game, but it’s impossible to travel there right now without getting bugged.

World AreaFarm FeaturesContent and FeaturesQuality of LifeBalanceMultiplayer
Locations, events, lines minigames, puzzles, quest linesBeach layout, Ostrich as a farm animalDwarvish weapons, enchantmentsLewis’ shorts, you can now set, and many moreCombatLocal Splitscreen
Leo (NPC)Immovable dressers removed, Two-ring mergeImproved GUICraftingIP history record
Volcano DungeonBed pickup, Greenhouse can be movedSpecial OrderShop menus, sprinklers, Journey of the Praire KingFarmingMovable buildings
Qi Challenges + RewardsAdvanced Game OptionsMines’ and Caves’ difficulty increasedGame options, various items, and inventory sortingFishingChat messages
Unlockable Island Farm + Farmhouse Area, Island Obelik BuildingCosmetic Paints for Farmhouse and BuildingsFishing TV channel, crops and trees, festival changes, name and gender change at Wizard’s towerMuseum donationsMining
ResortDucks can now swim and younglings will follow the adultsPerfection ratings, sprinkler attachments, craftable itemsItem Drop and Shop Changes
Hidden Pages (Sailor’s Journal)Slimes can now drink from slime hutch troughsFood items, fertilizers, new items, fishing tackle, quest items, rings, shoes, hats, weapons, clothing
Golden Walnuts, Coconuts, and Gem BirdsNew fish, furniture, flooring,
New EnemiesDebuffs, 15 new hairstyles, mail for Krobus
Cosmetic CrittersEaster eggs

And if you want to read the entire log, you check this full Stardew Valley 1.5 Patch here.

Also, if you’re looking for more guides like this, you can always check out our latest posts. Covering everything guides, mods, and tips for Stardew Valley players out there is one of our goals. Happy farming!

Meet the author

"I'm a passionate gamer and heavily invested in JRPGs and strategy games. Stardew Valley is a comfort game and a haven that takes away all the stress from work, and everything in between. I love sharing my experiences with the game with you guys. I hope you enjoy my posts!"

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