How To Remove The Glittering Boulder In Stardew Valley?

If you’re new, you probably don’t have any clue what the glittering boulder is. Removing this blockage requires completing bundles or spending gold. In this guide, we’ll explore the glittering boulder, how to remove it, and the strategies you can take!

The player showing the glittering boulder
The Glittering Boulder in Stardew Valley

Stardew Valley has many features and puzzles you can unlock. Most bundles include a reward to make the hassle worthwhile, while some offer a chance to unlock a new feature. Enter the glittering boulder – an intriguing site near the mines that is crucial later on. This guide will cover two methods to finish it and ways for quick removal. 

What Is The Glittering Boulder?

This boulder is found next to the local mines obstructing the river stream. Because it’s not interactive, many may be oblivious of its future use.

Getting rid of this blockage doesn’t unveil a new area, but it enables a new gaming feature: Panning Minerals.

How To Remove The Glittering Boulder?

Removing the glittering boulder is no simple task. It requires completing the fish tank bundle in the community center, which can take an awful lot of time. To begin, make sure you complete at least one bundle in the crafts room to unlock the fish tank.

Exclamation marks pop up whenever a fish bites the hook
Fishing requires practice and patience.

There are two methods for completing the fish bundle; the first is more time-consuming and arduous, while the second is more convenient. It depends on whatever route you choose, but let’s examine both.


Even though it takes a lot of time and effort, fishing can be an excellent way to make a profit. With the addition of a mini-game where you can get random treasures and loot, it can be rewarding while trying to complete the bundle.

Unfortunately, missing out on a catch can be a downer, but practice makes perfect. You can borrow Williy’s training pole to learn the basics while also gaining additional experience. Some Stardew players get an iridium rod to use tackle for extra bonuses while consuming dishes with buffs temporarily boosts fishing level up to 15.

These strategies are important as some fishes are tricky to catch and only show up in certain seasons, weather, and time, so you want to obtain as many as possible.

Here’s a complete table featuring the different fishes required to complete the bundle. 

Ocean Fish Bundle:Time and Seasons:Location
Tuna6 AM – 7 PM Summer and Winter.O
Sardine6 AM – 7 PM  Spring, Fall, and Winter.O
Tilapia6 AM – 2 PM Summer and Fall.O
  Red Snapper6 AM – 7 PM Summer and Fall.  (Only when it’s raining.)O
River Fish Bundle:Time and Seasons:Location
Tiger Trout6 AM – 7 PM Fall and Winter.R
Shad9 AM – 2 AM Spring, Summer, and Fall. (Only when raining.)R
Sunfish6 AM – 7 PM Spring and Summer.R
Catfish6 AM-Midnight Spring and Fall. Only when raining.Found in Rivers and Secret Woods Pond
Lake Fish Bundle:Time and Seasons:Location
BullheadAnytime and All SeasonsML
Largemouth Bass6 AM – 7 PM All SeasonsML
Sturgeon6 AM – 7 PM Summer and WinterML
CarpAnytime Spring, Summer, or Fall. Found in the Mountain Lake also in Secret Woods and Sewer.
Night Fish Bundle:Time and Seasons:Location
Eel4 PM – 2 AM Spring or Fall. Only when raining.O
Bream6 PM – 2 AM All Seasons.R
Walleye12 PM – 2 AM Fall. Only when raining.Found in Rivers, Lakes, and Forest Pond
Specialty Fish Bundle:Time and Seasons:Location:
Pufferfish12 PM – 4 PM Summer during sunny weather.  O
WoodskipAnytime All Seasons.Found in the Secret Woods and the Forest Farm,
GhostfishAnytime All Seasons.Located in The Mine ponds floors 20 and 60. Ghosts can also drop it.
Sandfish6 AM – 8 PM All Seasons.Located in the Calico Desert Pond.

Here’s a list featuring the different crustaceans, shellfish, and mollusks in the crab pot bundle:

  • Shrimp
  • Lobster
  • Crayfish  
  • Snail
  • Periwinkle
  • Clam
  • Cockle
  • Oyster 
  • Mussel
  • Crab

JojaMart  Community Development Form

If you don’t want to manually fish, your second resort is purchasing a JojaMart membership which costs 5,000g. You’ll then have access to the following development projects:

  • Bus (40,000g) 
  • Bridge (25,000g)
  • Panning (20,000g)
  • Minecarts (15,000g)
  • Greenhouse (35,000g)
Morris informs the player that processing the glittering boulder would take time
There’s a limit of purchase: one development project per day

Given the costs, the Joja route is more expensive than free fishing. However, the latter requires dedication and work. Purchasing access to panning as long as you have the means saves you both time and the frustration of missing a catch! It’s also convenient because there’s no need to fish all year round!

After the removal, you’ll receive a cutscene from Willy, unlocking the panning feature in-game. 

Meet the author

Dennyvie is a BS Medical Laboratory Science student who dreams to become a physician and a published author someday. In her spare time, she spends hours playing Stardew Valley, which has become a safe space for her.

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