Stardew Valley Leah: Schedule, Gifts, and More

Did you have your eyes set on Leah during your first encounter in Stardew Valley? If you plan on marrying her, know that you must’ve a great relationship with her. In this guide you’ll learn about her schedule, most loved gifts, and more!

A player conversing with Leah in Stardew Valley.
Meet Leah, the town’s artistic bachelorette.

Did you know that you’re not the only newcomer in Pelican Town? Leah is also a nonlocal in the village. She also has the same issues with living in the city. Perhaps, you could be great friends with her once you learn more about her story and personality.

You’ll learn Leah’s interests, schedule, gifts, and more in this guide!

Who is Leah?

A player having a conversation with Leah in Stardew Valley.
She has a fascinating insight into life.

Leah is one of the villagers living near Pelican Town. She’s not exactly a resident in the village, but you’ll find her cottage near Marnie’s Barn. It’s open from 10 AM to 6 PM. She’s known for being artistic but has low self-esteem in terms of displaying her artworks. 

Aside from being an art enthusiast, she’s also interested in foraging for wild meals since it’s a part of her hobby to spend time outside.

Friendships and Relationships

Elliott is her closest friend, but you’ll occasionally find her getting along well with other villagers. She’s not connected to many people because she’s also a newcomer in town. You’ll learn more about her story once you earn enough Friendship Hearts with her.

Where is Leah in Stardew Valley?

Unlike most villagers, Leah’s schedule is more repetitive. She seems to follow the same pattern throughout the year and seasons. Here’s her complete schedule in Pelican Town:


Spring 16th

9:00 AMWorks on a sculpture in her cottage.
10:30 AMVisits Harvey’s Clinic and spends time in the waiting room.
1:30 AMMakes her way to the left exam room of Harvey’s Clinic.
4:00 PMLeaves the Clinic and heads to the Saloon.
11:40 PMGoes home after visiting the Saloon.

Rainy days, Friday, and Saturday

9:00 AMFocuses on her sculpture in her cottage.
12:00 PMGoes to her easel to paint.
2:00 PMSpends time in front of the bookcase in her cottage.
4:00 PMExits her place and heads to the Saloon.
11:40 PMLeaves the Saloon and heads home to take a rest.


9:00 Continues to work on her sculpture.
11:00 AMVisits Pierre’s General Store.
5:00 PMExits the General Store and goes home to stand in front of her bookcase.
10:00 PMShe stands at the table in her cottage.
12:00 AMGoes to bed.

Normal Schedule

9:00 AMWorks on her sculpture.
12:00 PMSpends time at the edge of the river that’s close to the island located southwest of her home.
3:00 PMStrolls at the end of the pier close to the forest pond and draws.
6:30 PMTakes a walk to the west of the forest pond.
7:30 PMMakes her way back to her cottage and stares at her bookcase.
10:00 PMSubsequently stands at the table in her place.
12:00 AMTakes a good night’s rest.


Rainy days, Friday, and Saturday

9:00 AMProceeds to work on her sculpture.
12:00 PMDecides to paint and position herself in front of the easel.
2:00 PMKills time while standing in front of her bookcase.
4:00 PMTakes a walk to the Stardrop Saloon.
11:40 PMLeaves the Saloon and then goes home to take a rest.


9:00 AMWorks on her sculpture.
11:00 AMShops at the General Store.
5:00 PMLeaves the shop and goes home to stand in front of her bookcase.
10:00 PMStands at the table in her cottage.
12:00 AMGoes to bed.

Normal Schedule

After repairing the bridge, Leah’s regular schedule turns into this one:

9:00 AMSpends time working on her sculpture.
12:00 PMLeaves home and goes to the Beach to draw on the tidal pools.
7:00 PMExits the Beach and goes back to her cottage to stand in front of her bookcase.
10:00 PMStands at the table in her place.
12:00 AMGoes to sleep.

Normal Schedule 

If you chose not to repair the bridge or if you haven’t fixed it. You may follow this schedule instead:

9:00 AMSculpts in her cottage.
12:00 PMGoes out of her cottage to draw on the Beach.
7:00 PMGoes home and stands in front of her bookcase.
10:00 PMShe stands at the table of her home.
12:00 AMHeads to bed.

Rainy days, Friday, and Saturday

9:00 AMKeeps working on her sculpture.
12:00 PMGoes to her easel and paints.
2:00 PMStands in front of the bookcase.
4:00 PMLeaves home and goes to the Saloon.
11:40 PMExits the Saloon and goes home to sleep.



9:00 AMContinues sculpting in her cottage.
11:00 AMHeads to Pierre’s General Store to shop.
5:00 PMExits the store to go home and stands in front of her bookcase.
10:00 PMSubsequently stands at the table in her cottage.
12:00 AMGoes to bed and sleeps.

Normal Schedule

9:00 AMShe works on her sculpture in her cottage.
12:00 PMTakes a stroll to the east side of the river in Pelican Town, located above the Blacksmith.
7:00 PMLeaves the town and goes back to her cottage to stand in front of her bookcase.
10:00 PMProceed to stand at the table in her house.
12:00 AMGoes to bed.


Winter 15th

9:00 AMProceeds to work on her sculpture.
12:00 PMGoes to her easel and paints.
2:00 PMStands in front of her bookcase in the cottage.
4:00 PMLeaves home and heads to the Night Market.
11:40 PMLeaves the market and goes home to get a good night’s sleep.

Monday (if it’s not raining)

9:00 AMShe resumes working on her sculpture.
11:00 AMShops at Pierre’s General Store.
5:00 PMGoes out of the store and makes her way home to stand in front of the bookcase.
10:00 PMShe spends time standing at her table in her cottage.
12:00 AMHeads to bed and rests.

Normal Schedule

9:00 AMContinues working on her sculpture
12:00 PMSubsequently moves to her easel to paint.
2:00 PMStand in front of her bookcase.
4:00 PMLeaves home and goes to the Saloon.
11:40 PMExits the Saloon to go home and take a rest



8:30 AMLeaves your farmhouse and walks to the bridge close to the small island southwest of her cottage.
3:00 PMShe stands outside her cottage
5:30 PMLeaves the forest and heads home to the farmhouse

What does Leah like in Stardew Valley?

Leah is neither picky nor undemanding, but the best gifts for her are usually from your foraging sessions. If you’re planning to give her anything on her birthday, check out her most-loved items and offer them on Winter 23, her special day. Here are the best and worst gifts that you can give her:

All Universal LovesAll Universal Likes except:
Foraged Minerals aside from Earth Crystal.

Gems except for Diamonds and Prismatic Shards.

• Carp Surprise
• Cookie
• Hashbrowns
• Ice Cream
• Pancakes
• Pink Cake
• Pizza
•Rice Pudding
• Survival Burger
• Tortilla
• All Eggs except Void Egg.
All Universal Neutrals aside from:

• Bread
• Fried Egg
• Truffle
All Universal Dislikes except:

• Driftwood
• Spring Onion
• Void Egg
All Universal Hates excluding Seaweed.
Poppyseed MuffinChanterelleCarp SurpriseBread
SaladCommon MushroomCookieHashbrowns
Stir FryDandelionFried EggPancakes
TruffleDaffodilIce CreamPizza
Vegetable MedleyDriftwoodPink CakeVoid Egg
WineGingerRice Pudding
Holly Survival Burger
Magma Cap
Purple Mushroom
Snow Yam
Spring Onion
Wild Horseradish
Winter Root

Movies and Concessions

If you’re in the mood for a good movie, why don’t you try to invite Leah? She has specific preferences which make it easier for you to remember. Here are the films that she loves, likes, and dislikes:


  • Mysterium.


  • Natural Wonders: Exploring Our Vibrant World.
  • The Brave Little Sapling.
  • The Miracle at Coldstar Ranch.
  • The Zuzu City Express.
  • Wumbus.


  • It Howls in the Rain.
  • Journey Of The Prairie King: The Motion Picture.

You may also purchase snacks from the Movie Theater before the show starts. These are the concessions you may get for Leah:


  • Panzanella Salad.
  • Stardrop Sorbet.


  • Everything else.


  • Black Licorice.
  • Fries.
  • Joja Cola.
  • JojaCorn.
  • Nachos.
  • Personal Pizza.
  • Popcorn.
  • Salted Peanuts.

Heart Events

A player's friendship hearts with Leah in Stardew Valley.
Get that 14-Hearts now!

Upon earning enough Friendship Hearts with her, you should look forward to seeing the following events. They’re exciting scenes that’ll help you learn more about Leah. 

No. Of HeartsEvents
2She opens a conversation about how a piece of wood’s outer layers slowly shows its true nature.

You may respond to her in two ways:

• Compare it to people (It doesn’t affect your Friendship.)
• Say that you prefer its raw counterpart (no effect on Friendship.)
• Ask for a kiss (note: she’ll kick you out of her house by doing this and get deducted by 100 points. It also comes with consequences such as missing her 8-Heart Event.)

Moreover, Leah admits that being an artist makes it hard to earn money. You may suggest for her to:

• Open an art show in town.
• Sell her art online.

She’ll think about either of the two and thank you for making a suggestion.
4You’ll find her arguing with her ex over the phone. Upon seeing you, she’d tell you her reason for leaving the city and ask if it was selfish for her to go and pursue her passion. You may respond in five ways:

• Tell her no and that it’s supposed to happen.
• Say no and call her ex an idiot.
• Say it was better if she stayed in the city (-20 points.)
• Admit that it was a little selfish (-20 points.)
• Agree that she’s selfish but also says it’s natural to take care of herself first (-20 points.)

After this scene, she’ll also inform you that she’s considering saving up for a computer or the art event. It depends on what you suggested during the two hearts event.
6 (part 1)You’ll receive a gift from Leah on any day except rainy days, around 6 AM to 11:30 AM. It’s a sculpture she named “What I feel about (your name).”
6 (part 2)In this event, you’ll find her at Cindersap Forest. She tries to get a fruit from a tree but fails. You helped her by raising her. She then tells you that even if her art fails, she knows that you’ll be there for her.
8Reaching this level of Friendship triggers two varying scenarios depending on what you choose in the Two-Hearts Event.

• Art Show
Leah would invite you to her art show any day from 6 AM to 8 AM except in Winter. The show happens from 3 PM to 5 PM in Pelican Town any day. During the event, she’ll receive compliments from the villagers. She also introduced her artwork to them and thanked you for supporting her.

Interestingly, her ex also shows up before the cutscene ends.

• Art Website
She’ll tell you that she got a laptop set up and someone named “Mr. K” keeps buying her art. She assumed that it was just a rich guy who loved her art. She also claims that she can earn enough money with her full-time job related to art.
10At this event, entering Cindersap Forest on 11:00 AM to 4 PM on any day except Winter triggers a picnic cutscene with Leah. It was a surprise for you!
However, Kel, her ex, pops out of the bushes making Leah feel annoyed. Kel then confesses that he/she has been purchasing her art since he/she found Leah’s website.

If you chose the art show, her ex would say he/she traveled from Zuzu City to see her event. Nonetheless, the bottom line is that he/she wants her back.
This leaves you with two options: Punch Kel in the face or Reason with Him/Her.

Choosing the first option, Leah would tell you that it was a pretty violent move. But going with the second one results in her punching him/her instead.

Note: Kel’s gender depends on your character’s gender.
Group of 10-Hearts EventThis heart event happens if you give everyone a bouquet. It’s likely to get triggered if Haley/Alex’s the last one to receive it.

Spoiler: they’ll find out that you’ve been dating all of them. They’ll get mad and give you the cold shoulder for a week.

However, having a Rabbit’s Foot in your inventory prevents this from happening. If you’re lucky enough, gossip about Marnie and Mayor Lewis gets triggered instead.
14A cutscene gets triggered if you leave your farmhouse between 6:00 AM to 8:20 AM. Leah will ask you to meet her in the forest since she’ll teach you how to paint. She also notes that if the weather is bad, you’ll do it the next day instead.

The next day around 11:30 AM to 2:00 PM, you’ll have Marnie as your subject in the painting. You have three art-style choices:

• Classic Country Portrait.
• Colorful Retro Pop Art.
• Minimalist Modern.

After finishing Marnie’s portrait, Marnie tells you to keep your first painting and only takes Leah’s piece. This adds a new item to your inventory, “My First Painting.”

Additionally, this isn’t related to any heart events, but you may encounter a question from Leah that may increase or decrease your points with her. She’ll ask you why you became a farmer. You may answer this question in four ways:

  • Because you want to earn tons of money (-5 points.)
  • Because it’s more authentic compared to living in the big city (+5.)
  • You wanted to follow in your grandfather’s footsteps (+5.)
  • To escape your old life (+5.)

Can you marry Leah in Stardew Valley?

A player at Leah's special spaces in Stardew Valley.
Leah has a minimalistic taste, don’t you think?

If you’ve finally decided to marry Leah, she’ll have her own space in the farmhouse too. And behind the house, you’ll find a small workspace she uses to make her sculptures. She may occasionally give you random items depending on the weather and her activities.

Rainy DaysAt Home All DayNew Year’s Eve
Common MushroomA gift developed in a little pot.
MorelWild Horseradish
Red MushroomDaffodil
Cactus Fruit
Fiddlehead Fern
Spice Berry
Sweet Pea


Leah may request a random item in the Help Wanted Board at Pierre’s General Store. After completing her request, you’ll receive 150 Friendship Points and some gold. The money you’ll get is three times the item’s base price in Stardew Valley.

Meet the author

Video Games aren't exactly my thing, but upon discovering Stardew Valley, I learned to enjoy it. It's a really simple yet exciting game that everyone should try to kill time.

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