What is the Best Level for Copper in Stardew Valley?

Have you ever visited the Mines and thought about what is the best level for Copper in Stardew Valley? Of course, you can try your luck in many different places, but if you’re looking for specific information, then you’re in the right place for this short guide!

It’s no secret that copper is a very useful resource that can be needed for all types of crafting and smelting throughout the game. However, not everyone knows what is the best places in the Mines and the best level for Copper in Stardew Valley.

If you’re on a quest to find some copper ores, then here is what you need to know:

What is the Best Mines Level for Copper?

Now that we have established that you can find plenty of Copper Ore in the Mines, what exactly is the best level for Copper in Stardew Valley?

If this is your first time visiting that place, you might want to explore a little bit on your own. Finding more and more items can be very exciting for most players. However, if you’ve been playing for a while and just want to get some resources, then here’s the truth:

The best levels for Copper in Stardew Valley are between 2 and 39! Some might even say that you can narrow it down to between 30 and 39, but that’s not always necessary.

That’s right! There is a really high amount of copper nodes in this area (way more than in the rest of the levels), so try to stick to these levels if you’re planning to spend the day mining for copper.

Where Else Can You Find Copper?

You already know what is the best level for copper in Stardew Valley in the Mines, but what about other areas? Are there any other ways to get yourself some copper?

  • If you have a stonefish fish pond, then it will provide 5 Copper (you just need to have more than 3 fish of the same kind)
  • You can find some Copper in various barrels (in the Mines)
  • You can buy Copper from the Blacksmith
  • Or you can buy Copper from the Travelling Cart

Copper can be very useful during the game, so feel free to note this information down!

What Can You Do With Copper?

Just knowing the best level for copper in Stardew Valley is not enough if you don’t know what to do with it!

That’s why it’s about time to take a look at some of the ways to use it in the game and make the most out of it in various ways.

Crafting with Copper

If you have enough of Copper Ore, then you here is what you can craft from it:

  • A cherry bomb (requires 4 Copper Ore)
  • A flute or drum block (both require 2 Copper Ore)
  • Or a furnace (you will need 20 Copper Ore for this item)

Should You Use Copper as a Gift in Stardew Valley

Sadly, none of the NPCs in Stardew Valley will appreciate Copper Ore as a gift!

Maybe that’s for the better! If you’re looking for better ideas of what you can use as a gift for various characters, then take a look at our gifting guide for Stardew Valley!

Using Copper in Quests

The are a few quests in the game where you will need to use Copper Ore!

Here’s what you can expect from Stardew Valley:

  • If you come across various Gathering Quests, then Clint might ask you for some Copper Ore
  • If you will want to increase the amount of how many fish can fit in your fish pond (Stonefish fish pond), then you will need to have 10 Copper Ore

Other than that, you can use the majority of your Copper Ore for all types of crafting!

No matter why you’re looking for copper, as you can see, there are many ways to get your hands on it! Just choose whichever options suits your gameplay the most and add some resources to your collection.

If you’re ready to start searching for more resources in the game, then take a look at our other guide that will help you achieve that:

Meet the author

"Ever since I started playing Stardew Valley, I wanted to find the best tips and tricks to make the game easier and even more entertaining. That’s why I love sharing my favourite insights with other Stardew fans to see what can be useful both for beginners and experienced players!"

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