Have you ever logged on to your Stardew Valley farm and thought, “Hmm, I’m looking a bit frumpy today.” or “I wish I had Emily’s red dress or Sebastian’s alternative look!” How about longing for a new wardrobe for Summer or Autumn but feeling stuck with the choices you made in the Character Creation Menu, the random boots you get in the mines, and the hats from that strange mouse in the woods?
If this at all sounds like you, you’re in the right place.
We will go over the few ways you can create your own clothes and tailor your farmer’s looks to your tastes— using a sewing machine in Stardew Valley!
Emily, a villager in Pelican Town and a bachelorette, is known for being quirky and quite sweet. She’s also known for making a lot of her own clothes! In her home, 2 Willow Lane, you’ll be able to find a room dedicated to her clothesmaking. It features a sewing machine and dye pots; Emily’s sewing machine will enable you to create an article of clothing in the game and the dye pots will allow you to dye clothing.
How to access Emily’s Sewing Machine in Stardew Valley:
Players will be able to see Emily’s sewing machine anytime they enter 2 Willow Lane but will be unable to use it until they acquire cloth and trigger a cutscene with Emily.
How to acquire Cloth in Stardew Valley?
You can acquire Cloth in many different ways.
● Loom: If you have a rabbit in your coop or a sheep in your barn, they’ll give you wool every so often. Place the wool that you gathered from your rabbit or sheep in a loom, and it will produce Cloth after 4 in-game hours.
(You can craft a Loom after attaining Farming Level 7)
● Recycling Machine: There’s a 10% chance of getting Cloth by placing a soggy newspaper into a recycling machine.
(You can craft a Recycling Machine after attaining Fishing Level 4. It is also the
reward for completing Demetrius’ Field Research Bundle in the Bulletin Board of
the Community Center.)
● Mummies: The mummies in Skull Cavern have a 5-20% chance of dropping Cloth when slain.
● Emily: With enough hearts with Emily, she may sometimes send you Cloth in the mail.
● Desert Trader: You can trade 3 Aquamarines for one Cloth on Wednesdays.
How to trigger Emily’s cutscene to access the sewing machine?
After you have acquired Cloth for the first time in Stardew Valley, exiting the farmhouse between 6 and 11 AM on a non-rainy day will trigger the cutscene. Emily will go to your house and tell you about her sewing machine. Afterwards, you now have access to her sewing machine and dye pots any time 2 Willow Lane is open— which is from 9:00 AM to 8:00 PM.
How to use Emily’s Sewing Machine?
Go to 2 Willow Lane any time between 9:00 AM and 8:00 PM. Go to the sewing room and interact with Emily’s sewing machine. Two slots will appear— the first slot with the cloth icon requires one piece of Cloth, and the second slot with the spool of thread icon requires any item in Stardew Valley that can produce an article of clothing. For instance, placing one cloth in the machine along with one coconut will create a “vacation shirt.”
For the complete list of clothing you can tailor in Stardew Valley, see here.
How to use Emily’s Dye Pots?
Located beside Emily’s sewing machine at 2 Willow Lane, there’s an area dedicated to dyeing clothes. Interacting with the dye pots will open up a menu with six dye pots. First, you must have an article of clothing that is dyeable and six items in Stardew Valley whose colours coincide with the colours of the dye pots— Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, and Purple. After placing one of each item into their respective dye pots, a bottle will light up on the menu. Clicking this will enable you to use HSL (Hue, Saturation, Lightness) sliders on your article of clothing to further customise the shade and hue that you want it to be. Items used in the dye pots are consumed after, so be sure to use something that you can spare.
For the complete list of items the dye pots will accept and their corresponding colours, see here.
How can I acquire a sewing machine for my farm in Stardew Valley?
Since the recent 1.5 Stardew Valley update, you can now obtain a personal sewing machine for your farm. The update brought in “Special Requests” made by villagers for you to complete and receive rewards. One of Emily’s special requests, “Rock Rejuvenation,” is what you should watch out for. You need to have used Emily’s sewing machine a week before this request appears. She will request a ruby, topaz, emerald, jade, and amethyst. After completing Emily’s special request, she will mail you your very own sewing machine.