Gold Ore: Crafting, Sources, Uses, and More

Have you ever wondered where the best locations are to get a Gold Ore? Look no further! This guide will help you find it and teach you its uses.

A player holding a gold ore in Stardew Valley.
Here’s what a Gold Ore looks like in Stardew Valley.

Blindly scavenging for Gold Ores is a tedious task. However, you can’t dodge this errand since you’ll need its fused product to make different items and equipment in Stardew Valley.

To save yourself some time, use this guide to discover the best areas to find them. Here’s a bonus: We’ll even teach you about its other uses!

What is a Gold Ore?

It’s a resource you’ll acquire by breaking Gold Nodes with a Pickaxe. Upon collecting them, you can sell them for 25g each.

Where to Get a Gold Ore?

A player holding a gold ore in the Quarry of Stardew Valley.
Other go-to locations to get this item!

There are various methods to get it, including:

  • Mining at Levels 80+ of the Mines (5.2%).
  • Mining at Levels 60+ (Rare) and 80+ (Frequent) of Skull Cavern.
  • Breaking Boxes and Barrels from the Mines.
  • Quarry or Hill-top and Four Corners of the Farm Maps.
  • Searching for Artifact Spots at the Beach (4%).
  • Killing Ghosts. Defeating these mobs gives a 20% chance of getting this item.
  • Breaking Frozen (6.25%), Magma (5%), and Omni Geode (5%).
  • Panning with a Copper Pan (23.1%).
  • Purchasing it from the Traveling Cart (100g to 1000g).
  • Clint  Blacksmith sells it for 400g in Year 1 and 750g in Year 2+.
  • Collecting Lava Eel’s Drops from Fish Pond. This fish gives this resource once it reaches a population of three (7 to 10%).
  • Fishing Treasure Chests. You may get one to 24 pieces of it upon reaching Fishing Level 2 and searching for it at Fishing Zone 5 (9%).


A player with a Mega Bomb in Stardew Valley.
Mega Bombs are destructive, yet they can clear up your messy farm.

Your excess ores are used best in making Mega Bombs that can wipe out a radius of six to eight tiles of your farm. Before creating it, you need to reach Mining Level 8 and collect four Gold Ores, a Solar and Void Essence.


A pink sewing machine with a Turtleneck Sweater in Stardew Valley.
Turtleneck Sweaters are a mixture of chic and comfy clothing.

You can make a dyeable Turtleneck Sweater with this resource and some yellow dyes for your pots.


A newly smelted gold bar in a furnace of Stardew Valley.

Placing it in a furnace with one coal gives you a single bar. However, this process takes five in-game hours to finish.


It’s not an ideal gift for NPCs, but Clint feels neutral about receiving it.


Three ores will be requested in the Fish Pond quest by the following fishes upon reaching capacity five:

  • Bream
  • Chub
  • Perch
  • Salmon
  • Shad
  • Walleye
  • Smallmouth Bass


Not used in any bundles.

Meet the author

Video Games aren't exactly my thing, but upon discovering Stardew Valley, I learned to enjoy it. It's a really simple yet exciting game that everyone should try to kill time.

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