Stardew Valley Pierre: Schedule, Gifts, And More

Have you met the owner of the famous General Store in Stardew Valley? He’s Pierre, a troubled married man and business-focused villager of Pelican Town. Continue reading this guide to learn about his location, schedule, and most-loved items!

Pierre looks like this
He’ll often tell you the harsh realities of owning a business.

One of the first villagers to help you start your farm was Pierre; he runs the nearest store which sells your farming necessities. He’ll sell you bags to upgrade your inventory and, more importantly, the best seeds for the season. Thus, you should expect to meet him frequently in the game!

Even though he’s not a marriageable candidate, you’ll surely enjoy participating in his heart events. Moreover, he’s a nice guy who’ll often send you gold in the mail once you become friends, so the closer you get, the better. Keep reading this guide, and we’ll teach you how to become great friends with him quickly!

Who is Pierre?

Pierre owns the General Store and is one of the villagers of Pelican town. He loves his store so much that he spends most days working. Additionally, he’s a workaholic because he’ll run a stall in the town festivals instead of participating like the other villagers.

His work ethic must come from his ambitious nature because he dreams of opening new stores and becoming exceptionally wealthy someday. He also works hard because he feels threatened that his competitors might leave him bankrupt. Moreover, he reveals that in the rare times that his business is going well, he never feels successful. 

Additionally, before being a shopkeeper, he claims to be a brilliant boxer with a legendary right hook back then. He’ll also mention that he doesn’t know what to do in his free time, unlike before, when he would immerse himself in exciting activities. His daughter also says her father is allergic to everything, especially cats.

Family and friendships

Pierre lives behind the General store with his spouse, Caroline, and daughter, Abigail. Even though he adores his family, he struggles to get along with his daughter because of their opposing beliefs. Additionally, he seems to be hiding something from his wife.

He doesn’t have any other close relationships in his life. Perhaps his job keeps him from socializing with the other villagers outside his store. Fortunately, on Fridays after his working hours, he gets to unwind in The Stardrop Saloon and hang out with the other villagers.


Pierre has one of the most consistent schedules among the NPCs because he’s mainly operating his store except on Wednesdays when it’s closed. And he only goes out when there’s a town event or when it’s his Friday night Saloon visits. But if it’s raining on Friday, he’ll just stay at home after work.

Moreover, the General Store won’t close on Wednesdays after the Community Center’s complete restoration; instead, it becomes open every day. In addition, when he visits the Beach resort, his shop stays open and accepts purchases even though he isn’t working behind the register. Refer below for his regular weekly schedule.

Regular Schedule

7:00 AM He stands in the aisles of his store.
8:30 PMHe walks behind his store’s counter.
5:00 PMHe walks away from the counter and goes back to the aisles.
7:00 PMHe heads to the kitchen at his home. 
9:00 PMHe enters his room to stand in front of a bookcase.
11:00 PMHe goes to bed and sleeps for the day.

Friday (Not a Rainy Day)

7:00 AM He stands by the aisles of his store.
8:30 AM He goes behind the General store’s counter.
5:00 PMHe enters The Stardrop Saloon and walks toward the front of the bar’s counter.
10:50 PM He heads home to sleep.


Doesn’t he look happy to receive his favorite dish?

Being close friends with Pierre is necessary to earn Friendship points to unlock his Heart events. You can win his trust by interacting with him frequently, delivering his orders, and many more. However, the quickest way is to offer him two gifts weekly, especially on his birthday on Spring 26, for 8x more points.

Nevertheless, refer to the table so you’ll  know what to choose and avoid when selecting a gift:

LovesLikesNeutralsDislikes Hates
All Universal LovesAll Universal Likes except for the following:
• Corn
• Garlic
• Foraged Minerals
• Gems other than the following:
• Diamond
• Prismatic Shard
• Parsnip
• Soup
• Tortilla
All Universal NeutralsAll Universal Dislikes except FishAll Universal Hates
Fried CalamariAll eggs except Void EggAll Fruit except for the following: 
• Salmonberry
• Fruit Tree Fruit
All Foraged MineralsAll Fish 
All MilkAll Gems other than the following: 
• Diamond
• Prismatic Shard
DandelionCommon MushroomParsnip Soup
Magma Cap
Purple Mushroom
Snow Yam
Wild Horseradish
Winter Root

Movies And Concessions

It Howls In The Rain
Journey Of The Prairie King: The Motion Picture.
Natural Wonders: Exploring Our Vibrant World
The Brave Little Sapling.
The Miracle At Coldstar Ranch.
The Zuzu City Express.

To make the experience more pleasant for him, refer to the list below to know what he’ll enjoy eating or drinking at the movies:


  • Personal Pizza
  • Stardrop Sorbet


  • Everything else


  • Black Licorice
  • Joja Cola
  • Joja Corn

Heart Events

Fill in those hearts to become great friends with him!

After collecting a certain number of hearts, you’ll trigger the following Heart events. You get gold, a top-secret recipe, and access to a surprising cutscene. To gain these advantages, you have to earn friendship points and hearts to participate in the following events:

No. Of HeartsEvents
Any Friendship levelYou’ll periodically receive gold from Pierre when you’re at any friendship level above zero with him. Moreover, as your relationship with him increases, so are your chances of getting money in the mail. 

Thus, like with the other Villagers in Stardew Valley, you must interact with him daily, give him gifts, complete his delivery requests, and more.
3If you reach Pierre’s Three-Heart Event, you’ll receive a recipe and a letter in the mail. This recipe is for his famous top secret Blueberry Tart. 

Attached to this is a note saying that he’s giving this to you since you’re both good friends now, but you must not tell anyone.
6If you visit Pierre’s shop and enter his bedroom, you’ll trigger the six-heart event cut-scene. After going around the room, you’ll find ‘Pierre’s secret stash’ hidden behind a bookshelf. When he catches you, he’ll request that you don’t disclose what you saw to anyone.

There are two replies that you can choose from:

• Tell him that his secret is safe with you (+70 points.)
• Tell him that his wife deserves to know about something like this (-500 points.)

If you choose the first option, he’ll thank you and ask you to forget what you saw, and he’ll do the same for you. If you choose the second option, he’ll say you’re terrible and that you shouldn’t even be nosing around in his bedroom in the first place. Nonetheless, he’ll find a new hiding spot for his  ‘secret stash.’


Pierre likes to make requests every once in a while. Here are the quests in Stardew Valley you need to complete to make him happy and bring you both closer together:

  • Pierre’s Notice. He’ll mail you a letter in Year 2, Spring 21. In this letter, he’ll ask you to bring him Sashimi. Upon fulfilling his request, you’ll get a reward of 1,000g and one Friendship Heart.
  • “Help Wanted” Board at Pierre’s General Store. He’ll post a request outside of his store from time to time. He’ll often place an order for random items, but they’re always worthwhile to complete. Given that you deliver what he asked, he’ll give you three times the item’s base selling price and 150 Friendship points for your service.

Meet the author

I love playing Stardew Valley to unwind and relax when I have some free time. It serves as my wonderful retreat and stress reliever when life gets tough. I recommend this game to anyone looking to escape their fast-paced and hectic lives.

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