Did you know that collecting a Spring Onion helps you get some earnings in Stardew Valley? They aren’t the most lucrative item, but they still make a profit! Here’s a guide on where and how you can get them.
You can always visit the Cindersap Forest to forage goods whenever you’re bored. Occasionally, you’ll discover exciting items that help you earn gold and accomplish tasks.
If you stumble upon Spring Onions (S.O), you can use it to make a few profits and regenerate your health in Stardew Valley. In this guide, you’ll learn about its benefits, uses, and more!
What is a Spring Onion?
It’s a foraged good you’ll obtain in the year’s first season. And harvesting it provides an additional 3 Foraging XP. But this item doesn’t benefit from the Gatherer Profession.
Additionally, consuming it would restore some of your health and energy. Here’s the amount of restoration you’ll get per quality:
Quality | Energy | Health |
Base | +13 | +5 |
Silver Star | +18 | +8 |
Gold Star | +23 | +10 |
Iridium Star | +33 | +14 |
How to find a Spring Onion?
You’ll find it by foraging in the southeast island of Cindersap Forest. It respawns daily, which gives you the advantage of getting more profit every day. You may also occasionally get it in the Traveling Cart costing 100g to 1000g each.
Additionally, watching the Livin’ Off the Land channel on the 4th day of the season helps you get tips on locating them.
Selling Prices
Selling them is also an option despite the unimpressive base prices. But having an S.O Mastery would multiply their cost five times!
Here’s a side-by-side comparison of this foraged item with and without mastery:
Quality | Base Prices | With Mastery |
Base | 8g | 40g |
Silver Star | 10g | 50g |
Gold Star | 12g | 60g |
Iridium Star | 16g | 80g |
To upscale your clothing, you can make a Spring Shirt with it.
Almost everyone dislikes it, except for Leah, Linus, and Harvey.
Not used in any quest.
It’s an option to complete the remixed Spring Foraging Bundle in the Craft’s Room.