Welcome to our post on the Stardew Valley pufferfish!
This fish inflates when threatened.
Fish Behavior
Behavior | Floater |
Difficulty | 80 |
Size | 1-37 In. |
A pufferfish is a type of fish that is obtainable through Fishing. It is a yellow, round fish and can range in size from 1 to 37 inches in length.
Though it’s not a Legendary Fish, pufferfish have time, seasonal, and weather restrictions and thus can be a little difficult to find and catch.
Where to find a pufferfish
Pufferfish can be caught in two different locations: at the beach, and on Ginger Island.
To catch pufferfish at the beach, it has to be during the summer season, in sunny weather, and only in the evenings (between 12 PM and 4 PM). The beach is located directly to the south of Pelican Town, across the stone bridge.
The only way to catch a pufferfish outside of summer at the beach is through the use of magic bait.
To catch pufferfish on Ginger Island, you have to fish to the southeast, south, west, and in Pirate Cove. To access Ginger Island, you have to repair the boat in the backroom of Willy’s Fish Shop.
There are more ways to obtain a pufferfish than just through fishing though. You can find them inside garbage cans throughout Pelican Town during summer. They can also be bought at the Traveling Cart for 600-1,000 gold each.
How to catch a Pufferfish
Since pufferfish can be difficult to find, it’s a good idea to maximize your chances of successfully reeling them in the first time around. To do this, you should use the Iridium fishing pole, bait, and trap bobbers.
Another thing to keep in mind is that, along with blobfish, pufferfish are the only fish caught by a fishing rod that have floating behavior. This means that they have faster upwards acceleration.
What to do with a pufferfish
Pufferfish are used for one bundle in the Community Center: The Specialty Fish bundle in the Fish Tank. The Community Center is located directly north of Pierre’s General Store. Reward for completing this bundle is five portions of Dish O’ The Sea, which is an especially good dish because it buffs your fishing skill (+3).
Only one villager loves getting it as a gift (Abigail). Meanwhile, Demetrius, Elliot, Leo, Linus, Pam, Sebastian, and Willy are all neutral to receiving a pufferfish as a gift. Everyone else in Stardew Valley either dislikes it or hates it.
There are a few quests where a pufferfish will be needed.
In the summer season of the second year Demetrius will request through the mail one pufferfish for the Aquatic Research quest. Completing this quest will give 1,000 gold and 1 whole friendship heart.
There is a chance of pufferfish being requested randomly during the summer season on the Help Wanted board. This board is located on the front of Pierre’s General Store, next to the calendar. Completing this request gives 600 gold and 150 friendship points. Also, Willy can request 1-4 pufferfish during the summer on the Help Wanted board with a reward of 200g per fish. The catch with this quest is that you will be able to keep the fish afterward.
Pufferfish can be sold at a base price of 200g, 250g for the silver quality, and 300g for the gold quality. When consumed, you will receive a boost of -100 energy, and 0 health.
It can be crafted into three basic recipes: Maki Roll, Quality Fertilizer, and Sashimi. Though, all of these recipes can be crafted using any fish in the game; and it is important to note that Sashimi sells for significantly less than the cost of just the actual fish.
Pufferfish are also used in making the sailor shirt with the sewing machine, and as yellow dye in the dye pots inside Emily and Haley’s house.
When pufferfish are put into a fish pond they produce only roe, regardless of the population.
Season | Summer |
Location | Ocean |
Weather | Sunny |
Time | 12:00 PM – 4:00 PM |
Level Requirement | No Fishing Level Required |
Healing Effect
Energy Gain | |
Health Gain |