Bulletin Board (Reward: Friendship)

chef’s bundle

Items needed: 1x Maple Syrup, 1x Fiddlehead Fern, 1x Truffle, 1x Poppy, 1x Maki Roll, 1x Fried Egg

Reward: 3x Pink Cake

dye bundle

Items needed: 1x Red Mushroom, 1x Sea Urchin, 1x Sunflower, 1x Duck Feather, 1x Aquamarine, 1x Red Cabbage

Reward: 1x Seed Maker

field research bundle

Items needed: 1x Purple Mushroom, 1x Nautilus Shell, 1x Chub, 1x Frozen Geode

Reward: 1x Recycling Machine

fodder bundle

Items needed: 10x Wheat, 10x Hay, 3x Apple

Reward: 1x Heater

enchanter’s bundle

Items needed: 1x Oak Resin, 1x Wine, 1x Rabbit’s Foot, 1x Pomegranate

Reward: 5x Gold Bar

Meet the author

My name is Darren Grantham and I am the founder of StardewGuide.com. I have always been passionate about video games. When Stardew Valley came out, I was super excited and couldn’t wait to dive in! I quickly realized I wanted to run a fansite for Stardew Valley and here we are! I’ve had this site for a little over a year now and it is still tons of fun! My wife Sarah is now making videos to add even more fun to this project! 😊

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